The Urban Project brings decision-makers from across the country together to tackle pressing urban challenges by creating action-oriented platforms for mayors and city staff, federal and provincial government, civil society, academia and the private sector.
Affordable housing, public health, mobility, climate change – these challenges, and many more, are not unique to any one city, and require innovative strategies and mobilization across many actors.
We believe in generating bold new ideas, showcasing best practices, exposing knowledge gaps to be filled, and challenging participants to push boundaries to see what empowering Canada’s big cities will achieve to build a stronger Canada.
Events bring Canada’s biggest cities together with decision-makers from across the country to share information and create action-oriented platforms.
COVID-19, Mental Health and the Role of Cities
Virtual roundtablesApril 2021
The mental health crisis facing our country has grown more severe with the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by a year of disruptions to the economic and social foundation of our communities. Now is the time to scale-up the approaches that have demonstrated success.
City-Building, Intensification and COVID-19
Virtual roundtablesDecember 2020
While the pandemic challenged the city-building agenda, resilient public transit and widely available affordable housing remain the key conditions for equitable and sustainable intensification.
Led by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Urban Project is generously supported by the following program partners:
Lead Partner

Event Partners

We are also pleased to work with: